The Benenzon Centre Cyprus was founded in 2005 by Magister Maria Vasiliou, under the constant supervision of Prof. Dr. Rolando O. Benenzon.
A) Philosophy: Our philosophy is based on the research carried out by Prof. Dr. Benenzon in the same way as applied by Benenzon Centres worldwide. One of the most important element in the Benenzon model is to offer quality in the person’s daily routine via interchangeability and anthropocentrism that characterizes the non-verbal psychotherapy.
Every patient goes from lalism to imitation, continues to dialogue and conquers autonomy, cultivating in this way the willingness of continuous evolvement of the patient’s Being and Sound Identity. Our aim is for every patient to be able to reintegrate in a harmonious way into society, offering him/her well being in the person’s everyday life.
OUR VISION: is the improvement of a person’s quality of life and his sound system.
Β) Aim: Our aim as therapists of the Benenzon model,working in the Benenzon Centre Cyprus, is to be able to maintain the purity and quality of our professionalism so that every person who trusts us will be able to work with patience, persistence and discipline side by side with the therapist. We firmly believe that the therapist is as important to the patient as the patient is as important to the therapist.
C) Services: The Benenzon Centre Cyprus offers services not only to persons with pathological, psychological, social, physical or emotional disorders but also to persons of everyday life. The Benenzon Centre Cyprus focuses on individuals with physical or psychological condition, aiming at improving the patients’ quality of life, opening new channels of communication and searching the individual’s sound identity via non-verbal interaction with the other person. The following Departments operate at the Benenzon Centre Cyprus:
Early Intervention
Pregnancy and Infants
Language and acoustical improvement
Pre-mortem Quality Period
Parental Consultancy
Training and Supervision
The application of this beneficial treatment extends to patients who suffer from chronic pain, Alzheimer, dementia, cancer, Parkinson, autism, mental disorders, ADDH, learning disorders,dyslexia anxiety and stress. The Benenzon Therapy promotes prevention, health, self-awareness and personal development.
D) Training:
1) Seminars
The following seminars have been conducted at the Benenzon Centre Cyprus:
«Creative Movement» by Prof. Maria Elena Garcia, Benenzon Centre Cyprus, October 2014
«Creative Movement» by Prof. Maria Elena Garcia, Benenzon Centre Cyprus,
May – June 2014
«General Psychology» by Prof. Marina Romero, Benenzon Centre Cyprus, May 2014
«Instrument Knowledge» by Prof.Massimo Pastore, , Benenzon Centre Cyprus, April 2014
« Harmonic Song» by Prof. Alberto Etsou, Benenzon Centre Cyprus, April 2014
« Psychopathology and Quantum Psychology» by Prof. Mariano Betes, Benenzon Centre
Cyprus, March 2014
«Creative Movement» by Prof. Maria Elena Garcia, Benenzon Centre Cyprus,, March 2014
Seminar “Full Immersion” Music Therapy Benenzon Model, by Prof. Dr. Rolando O.
Benenzon, July/September 2013
Magister Reflection Day, July 2011
Benenzon Music Therapy Level IV, By Prof. Dr. Rolando O. Benenzon, June 2011
Benenzon Music Therapy Level II, By Prof. Dr. Rolando O. Benenzon, June 2011
Benenzon Music Therapy Level I, By Prof. Dr. Rolando O. Benenzon, June 2011
Benenzon Music Therapy Level III, By Prof. Dr. Rolando O. Benenzon, June 2010
Benenzon Music Therapy Level I, By Prof. Dr. Rolando O. Benenzon, June 2010
Benenzon Music Therapy Level II, By Prof. Dr. Rolando O. Benenzon, April 2009
Benenzon Music Therapy Level I, By Prof. Dr. Rolando O. Benenzon, April 2009
2nd Reflection Day, October 2008
1st Reflection Day, May 2008
Benenzon Music Therapy Level I, By Prof. Dr. Rolando O. Benenzon, February 2007
2) Supervision
Focuses on all those who are engaged in methods of communication in the sectors of health, education, society, art and business. The aim is the continuous training in communicational processes and the encouragement of the creative areas of every person. Supervision allows the professional:
To safeguard himself from degeneration,
To release tensions absorbed,
To accept other views regarding the process developed,
To encourage creativity,
To develop new paths of approach.
Supervision may be conducted in a group or at an individual level. To become nominated you must submit your application along with a short curriculum vitae, giving the reason for which you seek supervision together with a summary of the case, procedure or program you wish to be supervised. To become an observer, you must submit your application together with a short curriculum vitae.
D) Benenzon Centres Worldwide
Benenzon Centre Argentina –
Benenzon Centre Belgium -
Benenzon Centre Brazil –
Benenzon Centre Catalonia -
Benenzon Centre Chile –
Benenzon Centre Equator -
Benenzon Centre Italy -
Benenzon Centre Spain -